Sunday, April 21, 2013

Reflection on Revision

When it comes to my writing process, I tend to have so many ideas flying at once that it is hard for me to keep them all in a line to where the paper is understandable. One moment I will be writing about death and how it affected Jack Gladney, the next moment I am talking about the drug Dylar would any tie to the first paragraph to the next. Sometimes it is also hard for me to focus on one thing since I like to write about a lot of things in order to cover the topic I am writing about. Usually I try to write everything down that I want to talk about then I go back and revise through it in order to make what I am writing about flow and have a connection from one paragraph to the next. There are times when I even completely rewrite what I wrote in order to make it better or to go with my topic and thesis statement. I usually revise what I wrote after I am done writing it or a day or two later, so I can have a new view on what I wrote to see if everything works together. The benefits that revising have are many, sometimes when you are writing at that moment you do not see a mistake, but later you can see it and correct or even improve what you wrote. Revising can also make your paper better, basically cleaning it up or fixing the mistakes that you made within the paper. You can also ask someone to read your paper or even read it out loud yourself to see if it all goes together and makes sense. The revisions that I made to Essay #3 was to tie everything together like a string and not have certain topics flying in the wind while others were together. I read my paper several times to myself and then out loud to see if the language that I used made sense and worked. Then I asked my mother and brother to see if what I had wrote made sense and did not leave any confusion.

1 comment:

  1. Reading it outloud is a very handy way to spot things that don't fit. You can also record yourself reading it aloud and play it on a loop. If you don't mind going insane that is.
