Thesis Paragraph
Google Images of Jonathan Swift, Comedy Central
the eighteenth and nineteenth century the population of the world hit a rising
spike which left many people looking for solutions to this problem. A man by
the name of Jonathan Swift wrote an essay entitled, “A Modest Proposal”, which
contained his ideals of how to deal with the growth in population. Though his
essay was titled “modest” it was far from it, the essay included many morbid
and down-right gross ideas of how to deal with the population increase. Swift
mainly focused his ideas on his homeland of Ireland where the poor were
outnumbering the wealthy and mothers with their children on the streets
begging. Swift’s ideas were more of a way to make fun of the wealthy and the situation
that the poor were living in. At the beginning of Swift’s essay, the essay was supposed
to open the eyes of the reader to a wide arrange of emotions, and the way that
he used satire to show the needs of the poor. The essay was written with tones
of humor at the beginning but towards the end, Swift takes a more serious way
of conceiving his readers to be more charitable towards the poor.
Here is a link that talks about the eighteenth century population increases and its culture at the time: http://wps.ablongman.com/long_kishlansky_cw_6/35/9181/2350389.cw/index.html
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